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By setting a time range for image collection, you can leave out images that are not interesting.

Popular example: dark images from webcams without night-vision mode. This way you can save on your available ‘snapshots-per-day’ and perhaps use more webcams with the same subscription plan.

timer setting

Night recording is possible with i.e. from: 22:00 to: 02:00. Sunrise/sunset timer by geo-position is in progress.

sunrise/sunset timer

For the calculation to work, geolocation of the webcam needs to be set in webcam settings.

There are two ways: by clicking into the map (and zooming in a lot - double click) or by using the address search symbol in the upper right.

You do not need to pin the exact location if you have concerns there. Next large city should be ok to calculate sunrise/sunset times.

You can activate the sunrise/sunset timer by using the advanced settings for your webcam: Dashboard -> Webcams -> edit… Then unfold the advanced settings on the bottom of the page.

sunrise sunset timer setting

You can use an offset of up to 120 minutes (+/-) to adjust to your webcams low-light abilities. ‘Official sunrise/sunset’ calculation is used, by the way.

Also note that your ‘snapshots per day’ are always set to half of the day value with sunrise/sunset active. This is a simplification here for the dynamic sunrise/sunset times. It makes sure your camera ist not deactivated if the snapshots exceed the daily limit some day in summer.